Tuesday, October 1, 2013

This is a news flash for those of you in Rio Linda and low information voters:
There is no such thing as a government shut down. This is a term used periodically by either party to get what they want. One has to control congress and one controls the senate in order to play this drama out. All essential government entities are up and running. Military, social security, welfare, post office, all three branches of Government etc. If you care to notice only "non-essential entities of the government are "shut down". This is both true and fallacious. They are non-essential and on furlough but not shut down. Every time there has been a "shut down" furloughed workers have eventually returned to work and paid for all time lost. The president is lying, and playing us the citizens like a cheap violin...crying a sad, sad, song. The government is not being held hostage by the republicans. There are three branches of government. This was done by our founders to set up checks and balances so tyranny cannot prevail. The republicans are using their constitutional rights to represent the majority of Americans  concerning obama-care and our 16.9 trillion dollar debt. They are not trying to shut-down the government. They couldn't if they wanted to. This right is reserved for the president. 
Some Free Health Clinics are covering the word "free" on their signs. This is done so people will be "nudged" to the not-Free Health Care exchanges to buy insurance they can not afford or they wouldn't have been at the clinic. Now these folks are a 'strain" on the tax payers according to Obama because we the tax payers have been paying for their free health care at the clinics and emergency rooms all over america. Now if they don't buy health insurance from the government exchanges they will be "taxed" wink, wink, and or put in jail where once again they will get free health care. And who pays for it? Now you're getting it.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Saturday News Bit: Did you know that there have been 25 government shut-downs since 1978? Do you care?  Of course not. It is not a big deal at all. 
But this shut-down looms over the fact that our govt has not been working within  a budget for over 5 years. Now we all know what happens when you don't have a budget. YOU OVERSPEND and you raise your credit limit till your credit card company shuts you down. At least that's what your govt has been doing since Obama was elected. So to make it simple; all military paychecks will go out, all s.s. checks will go out. Food stamps will go out, welfare checks will go out. It's just the fact that the government will not get "mo money" and will have to cut back on some non-essential spending and be forced to pass a budget. Don't fall for the scare tactics. 

Saturday, September 21, 2013

The slaves are "bout" to revolt, and all for the wrong reasons.

As a cigarette ad says from the 70's.. "you've come a long way baby" so has the perception of civil rights in the U.S. I say perception for a good reason.  The great civil rights movement started as a grass roots movement to stop the oppression of black people and to demand equality from the cracker box government. Right? Slightly. Dr. King wanted equality for all. All were created equal by God himself to paraphrase the good Dr. He was shot dead. You must understand the "Cracker Box" does not want equality for all people. The box wants the elites to rule and the rest to fight; each other. When the people fight, the elites rule and oh how they have ruled all through history.  You could  think that poverty and inequality run hand in hand all through the urban sections of every city because the "man" wants it that way. That the man wants all the brothers to continue to struggle. The man is white and he hates the black man. Who teaches this? Think real hard on this. Jesse Jackson. Al Sharpton. Nancy Pelosi. Harry Reid. Hillary Clinton. Joe Bidan and prmarily every democrat politician since LBJ. Throw in a few republicans and you have the ruling elites. They have been preaching racial division and dependence on the "guvment" as the only way the people can be equal or to even survive. Think plantation/slaves and you get the picture. Only don't be fooled into thinking the plantation is only for the black slaves. Take a drive through Appalachia and take a good look. The people living there are just as poor and just as discriminated against as any urban or run down citizen of any  poor section of any city you can pick. Well the rich man is to blame for all of this right? I mean that has been the standard raised by every democrat politician alive today. Right? Dam right! They are the great rescuers of the poor and down trodden. Only they can change the way the rich hold you down.  It is time to get your head out of your arse people. For over 60 years the ruling class have been the politicians not the rich. But if you must insist it is the rich then I will compromise this way. It's the rich primarily black democrat politicians that have controlled your life, liberty and your pursuit of happiness all of your life.  They have become rich off your slave-ass back! And you have been to stupefied to realize that you still live on the plantation.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Holy Ice Cap Al

1987 was a big year for the Church of Global Warming. If we didn't do something right away well the arctic ice caps would melt and turn to beaches. In 5-7 years. Flash forward to 2013. You northern and way down southern folks can put your coolers and floats back in the attic. We still have m"mucho iceo" When asked about this the leader of The Church of Global Warming Al Gore responded with HA,HA,HA. 
In all seriousness here are three of the biggest hoaxes ever perpetuated on the American public.

#1. EPA
#2. IRS
#3. The Federal Reserve
3a. Elvis is still alive.

 more to follow on these Elite agencies later

Monday, August 12, 2013

On the run but way from done!

 Obama says Al-Qaeda is decimated and on the run. I think he needs to look decimated up in the dictionary. Al-Qaeda is all over the middle east and parts of north Africa. There are training camps in the U.S. but neither party wants to talk about that. 
 Our president refuses to call our war with terrorists " a war on terrorists" so he brings them to court a la the Ft Hood terrorist to stand trial for work place violence. You have to be pretty dumbed down to believe that. But he is president because of the "dumb and dumber" vote. So there's that.
 Nadal the allahuakbar screaming terrorist has admitted he is just that. I believe Obama is Muslim and I challenge anyone to prove me wrong. He is sending hundreds of millions as well as fighter planes and tanks to terrorist run Egypt and the Libyan resistance army which is composed of Al-Qaeda and their ilk. This intel isn't hard to come by unless you listen to State run media. You know the reporters Obama affectionately call "his press". The arrogance sickens me!  There is a special place in hell waiting for the reporters of  NBC, CBS, ABC, MSNBC,CNN and others who refuse to call this president out. They cover-up his Constitution violations his civil rights violations and down right murders of the Benghazi Ambassador and three heroic agents due to his refusal to allow a rescue mission. Add this to the murder of our border patrol agent by U.S. weapons allowed to cross the border in the illegal Fast and Furious operation. And you have murder. The justice department is headed by a criminal in Eric Holder. He refuses to prosecute the IRS for profiling Tea Party groups (which is still happening) and refuses to defend all Americans equally. 
Obama's father- communist
Obama's mother-communist
Obama's adopted father-communist
Obama's grandmother-communist
Obama's pastor- fill in the blank____________
 Most of his staff are self avowed communists. 

I need a tylenol

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Who's in control

It's your life but who 's in control? Think about it before you give a knee-jerk reaction. Most of us will say "well I am in control of my life"! You really think you are don't you? I would say you are not in control, never have been and may not ever be. Ask yourself these questions? 

What is your job and how many hrs do you work in a week?
If you do not work how do you spend your time? 
How much time do you spend with your wife,"significant other" children, other family members and friends.
Do you have a pet, hobbies?
How about Facebook time,gaming, internet or school?
How much Gossip time in your day?
How much time do you spend worrying about what others think of you? How you should dress, think,talk etc? 
Why are you here? Is there a reason? Where did you come from? What is your purpose?
How do you treat others? How do you treat strangers or animals? Is your happiness dependent upon someone or something else other than your self?
Do you believe in God? If so how much time do you spend thinking about or praying to him? Do you believe in life after death? Heaven or Hell or nothing?
Do you believe life is just an accident? Is there a right or wrong and where did this come from?  
Are you the same person when you are alone as when you are not? Integrity?
 Think about these things and the time you spend with or doing each?
What you do and think about defines you but "life" is not about you. Life is about others and how you relate to them, spend time with them, care about their wants needs and desires. 
I believe God created you and me for a purpose. and that purpose is to love him with all your heart, strength and to love others as yourself. So with this in mind examine the things I have mentioned. If all of these things rate higher than your love for God and others I believe that you are not in control. You are free falling through life. That can be scary. If you are confused, frustrated, mad, broke, stoned or sober without a purpose, put God first and every other person or thing in your life will fall into place. You have tried life your way so why not try it God's way.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Presidents pre-vacation press love-a-thon.

Listening to the president filibuster for a while now as he pretends to hold a press conference. Why does the press slip on their Monica Lewinski knee pads when asking softball questions?  I'll tell you why. If they ever want to ask  the president another question  again they have to. This is pathetic. What has become of journalism? This is State run media and that is sad.

Cool Ride


Check this car out! It is radically different and I think I want one.

Thursday, August 8, 2013


Read this and then apologize to Sarah Palin!
Just so you will have pleasant dreams tonight; 

The president has decreed that congress shall be exempt from Obama-care because you know they don't want to loose their "Cadillac" insurance plans. And now add select unions to the exempt list. I feel funny and drool is running out the corner of my mouth......