Saturday, September 21, 2013

The slaves are "bout" to revolt, and all for the wrong reasons.

As a cigarette ad says from the 70's.. "you've come a long way baby" so has the perception of civil rights in the U.S. I say perception for a good reason.  The great civil rights movement started as a grass roots movement to stop the oppression of black people and to demand equality from the cracker box government. Right? Slightly. Dr. King wanted equality for all. All were created equal by God himself to paraphrase the good Dr. He was shot dead. You must understand the "Cracker Box" does not want equality for all people. The box wants the elites to rule and the rest to fight; each other. When the people fight, the elites rule and oh how they have ruled all through history.  You could  think that poverty and inequality run hand in hand all through the urban sections of every city because the "man" wants it that way. That the man wants all the brothers to continue to struggle. The man is white and he hates the black man. Who teaches this? Think real hard on this. Jesse Jackson. Al Sharpton. Nancy Pelosi. Harry Reid. Hillary Clinton. Joe Bidan and prmarily every democrat politician since LBJ. Throw in a few republicans and you have the ruling elites. They have been preaching racial division and dependence on the "guvment" as the only way the people can be equal or to even survive. Think plantation/slaves and you get the picture. Only don't be fooled into thinking the plantation is only for the black slaves. Take a drive through Appalachia and take a good look. The people living there are just as poor and just as discriminated against as any urban or run down citizen of any  poor section of any city you can pick. Well the rich man is to blame for all of this right? I mean that has been the standard raised by every democrat politician alive today. Right? Dam right! They are the great rescuers of the poor and down trodden. Only they can change the way the rich hold you down.  It is time to get your head out of your arse people. For over 60 years the ruling class have been the politicians not the rich. But if you must insist it is the rich then I will compromise this way. It's the rich primarily black democrat politicians that have controlled your life, liberty and your pursuit of happiness all of your life.  They have become rich off your slave-ass back! And you have been to stupefied to realize that you still live on the plantation.

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